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「The Silent Views. 流転 福島&チェルノブイリ」写真展を全国巡回させております。








World Photo Exhibition Tour Project


For 8 years I have visited Chernobyl and 4 years Fukushima: that level 7 nuclear accident which shook the whole world, beyond the distance of 8,500 km and 25 years, what kind of reality would reveal us? Looking for some answers to this question, I brought myself there to catch “this” reality with my own eyes and camera. While human memories are getting covered with a veil called “oblivion” as time goes by, the lands torn by radioactive contamination continue to change their faces and seem to call us towards their silent reality.


The year 2016 happens to be the year of 5th anniversary of Fukushima and 30th of Chernobyl. It is said that the radioactivity scattered all over from the destroyed reactors at that time have gone around the Northern Hemisphere riding on the westerlies.


In this year of milestone, I asked myself whether we could grasp any “lesson for the future” from this “post-accident” reality. Then an idea came to my mind: why not let go around the world all the photographs of both places (Chernobyl and Fukushima) riding on the westerlies?


Truly sad to say that no lesson since then from numbers of nuclear accident seems to be considered and furthermore, the nuclear policy of nations is being brought ahead “solemnly” despite of non-guarantee of safety.


If we can share, through these photographs, the messages from the victimized lands and reflect once again on our lives, who knows we might find a way to go for a brighter future?


Therefore here I humbly ask your help and support to realize this voyage of photographs riding on the westerlies.





Fukushima_Chernobyl Time & Season

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​金沢展のご案内(Exhibition at Kanazawa)

金沢21世紀美術館 福島 チェルノブイリ

​長崎展のご案内(Exhibition at Nagasaki)

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